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I was featured

Friday, March 27, 2009

Please Visit Us at South Town Expo in Salt Lake City

The Trees Stand
Cara Trees

We want to invite everybody in the Salt Lake Valley and surrounding areas to visit Cara Trees from The Trees Stand at the South Town Expo Center. She will be featuring her hand crafted items for sale. If you can't get to the Boutique to support her in person, please visit her web site and purchase something hand made for Easter for that someone special on your list. We at Cassie Designs and Web Development love to support our clients in all their projects, we would love it if you would too.

Better Home Interiors
Christy Butler

Better Home Interiors will also be at the South Town Center for the weekend, taking with her so many of her Super Saturday Craft Specials, Plaques, an much more.

After painting my hallway recently I'm going down just to get decorations for my new hallway.

I know that I am not the greatest decorator, but Christy has been great in giving me all the advise that I need for a perfect home. Remember she is kind of humbled about it, but she is the best.

For information on getting an E-commerce store by Zen Cart of your own just visit us at Cassie Designs