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Monday, June 6, 2011

10 Way to improve your company

By: Gloria Willis
Consider that your employees are your most valuable resource. Your people represent you, they interact with your customers and you are only as good as your employees.  These ten steps are ways to reduce possible “leaks” of performance and will improve your overall culture and sense of well-being in your company.  
1.    Letting people go when they are no longer a fit with your organization.
One of the biggest challenges business owners often find is in letting people go when they no longer fit with the organization. Whether the company changes or the people do….when there is no longer a match - people need to move to a better position or out of the organization completely.  Whatever the situation, take direct action to resolve people issues such as these in order to avoid a downward production spiral that can be costly over time. If someone needs to move on, it is in their best interest and your best interest to do so. Your organization can find the right person to fit that spot. There are many success cases where wonderful new people were located and where the person being let go, found a better situation as well. In the end we must always do what is best for our organization.