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Sunday, February 15, 2009

Joomla Cart Set Up Starting at $450.00

JOOMLA Set Up Special
Get 10% OFF

This week we wanted to point out the power of Joomla. If you subscribe to our weekly newsletter, then you should have received information about the power of Joomla, if you don't subscribe we would love to have you sign up for our newsletter at www.cassie-designs.com. I know that traditionally, it would be customary to pay somebody to design and build your web site and depending on the amount of content in your web site, will determine how much you pay. We are going to show you how to remove the pay per site content. We offer a Joomla Set up starting at $450.00. With this basic set up you recieve all of the power of Joomla, but we give you a site that has a look that is unique to you and your company.
For a list of content in Joomla visit our sister blog at cassie-designs.blogspot.com.
To order your very own Joomla site visit us at www.cassie-designs.com