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Wednesday, March 4, 2009

10% off Ethan Scott Baby Announcment

Boys are cute toooooo

Over the past 25 years I have given birth to 4 of the cutest boy's. I always wanted to raise a little girl, but after all this time, and 1 grand"son" later. I am of the belief that "Boys Rock". The problem is nobody seems to want to make really cute boy things, so I am going to give 10% off of this baby announcement until March 14,2009.

Use the coupon code EA001 to receive your 10% off upon checkout when you order your baby announcement.

Since I had so much fun including this new product in my collection of "Business Related" products, I am in search of the "cutest" baby picture ever. ** Note that this picture may be used on future products so if you don't want your baby plastered all over, please state specifically that you don't want your baby used on my products, but submit the picture just the same. We may use it as a front page ad on our web site some day.

You can submit pictures to info@cassie-designs.com
Order your baby announcements at www.cassie-designs.com

FREE giveaway coming soon,we just can't decide to give away 1000 business cards or maybe 100 baby announcements. Its so hard to separate the business products from my non business products.